Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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Broncho Versus Bicycle
An' how long he'd practiced that wheel-rollin' game.
Tom Stevens he said war his name, an' he come
From a town they call Bosting, in old Yankeedom.
Then he jist paralyzed us by sayin' he'd whirled
That very identical wheel round the world.
Wal, pard, that's the story of how that smart chap
Done me up w'en I thought I had slch a soft snap,
Done me up on a race with remarkable ease,
An' lowered my pride a good many degrees.
Did I give him the hoss? W'y o' course I did, boss,
An' I tell you it warn't no diminutive loss.
He writ me a letter from back in the East,
An' said Jtie presented the neat little beast
To a feller named Pope, who stands at the head
0' the ranch where the cussed wheel hosses are bred.
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